Books in Browsing: Other (sorted alphabetically)
Government Documents in Small Libraries Charles Wells Reeder
Graham's Magazine, Vol. XLI, No. 4, October 1852 Various
Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 1, January 1852 Various
Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXI, No. 3, September 1842 Various
Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, No. 6, June 1850 Various
Green Thumb, Nov.-Dec. 1959, Vol. 16, No. 10 Colorado Forestry and Horticultural Association
Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals Herbert A. Grueber and British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals
Hagyományok (1. kötet) (Hungarian) Lajos Kálmány
Handbook of Cookery for a Small House Jessie Conrad
Handbook of Embroidery L. Higgin
handbook of library appliances James Duff Brown
Handicraft for Girls Idabelle McGlauflin
Harper's Round Table, December 3, 1895 Various
Harper's Round Table, January 21, 1896 Various
Harper's Round Table, January 5, 1897 Various
Harper's Round Table, November 24, 1896 Various
Harper's Round Table, November 26, 1895 Various
Harper's Round Table, September 22, 1896 Various
Harper's Young People, February 7, 1882 Various
Harper's Young People, January 18, 1881 Various
Harper's Young People, March 23, 1880 Various
Harper's Young People, October 5, 1880 Various
Highland Fling and How to Teach it Horatio N. Grant
Histoire de ma Vie, Livre 1 (Vol. 1 - 4) (French) George Sand
Hocus Pocus Junior: The Anatomie of Legerdemain Unknown