Books in Browsing: Other (sorted alphabetically)
Manual Training Toys for the Boy's Workshop Harris W. Moore
Mastro da Ballo (Italian) Ercole Santucci Perugino
Maxims and Hints on Angling, Chess, Shooting, and Other Matters Richard Penn
Mending and Repair of Books Margaret Wright Brown
Meren kirja : Mainetekoja ja suuria saavutuksia ulapoilla ja rantamilla, piirteitä merenkulun historiasta ja laivamuotojen kehityksestä (Finnish) O. A. Joutsen
Method of Tanning without Bark William Maple
Meyers Konversationslexikon Band 15 (German) Various
Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 10, No. 273, September 15, 1827 Various
Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 19, No. 553, June 23, 1832 Various
Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 6, June 1810
Modern American Pistol and Revolver Arthur Corbin Gould
monete dei possedimenti veneziani di oltremare e di terraferma descritte ed illustrate da Vincenzo Lazari (Italian) Vincenzo Lazari
monete di Venezia descritte ed illustrate da Nicolò Papadopoli Aldobrandini, v. 1 (Italian) Nicolò Papadopoli Aldobrandini
Mood fashions American Thread Company
Moon Lore Timothy Harley
More Conjuring: Simple Tricks for Social Gatherings Hercat
Mr. Edward Arnold's New and Popular Books, December, 1901
Mr. Murray's List of New and Recent Publications July, 1890 John Murray
Mrs. Mary Eales's receipts. (1733) Mary Eales
My Knitting Book (Second Series) Miss Lambert
Mythen & Legenden van Japan (Dutch) F. Hadland Davis
Myths of the Cherokee James Mooney
Names: and Their Meaning; A Book for the Curious Leopold Wagner
Navy as a Fighting Machine Bradley A. Fiske
Needlecraft Effie Archer Archer