Books in Science Fiction (sorted alphabetically by author)
End as a Hero Keith Laumer
A Bad Day for Vermin Keith Laumer
A Trace of Memory Keith Laumer
Doorstep Keith Laumer
The King of the City Keith Laumer
The Yillian Way Keith Laumer
It Could Be Anything Keith Laumer
Greylorn Keith Laumer
Gambler's World Keith Laumer
Satisfaction Guaranteed Joy Leache
Oberheim (Voices): A Chronicle of War Christopher Leadem
The Mantooth Christopher Leadem
One Martian Afternoon Tom Leahy
A Fall of Glass Stanley R. Lee
Junior Achievement William M. Lee
The Bell Tone Edmund Harry Leftwich
Nice Girl with 5 Husbands Fritz Leiber
Dr. Kometevsky's Day Fritz Leiber
A Pail of Air Fritz Leiber
A Bad Day for Sales Fritz Leiber
Later Than You Think Fritz Leiber
Yesterday House Fritz Leiber
Appointment In Tomorrow Fritz Leiber
Coming Attraction Fritz Leiber
Bullet with His Name Fritz Leiber