Books in Science Fiction (sorted alphabetically by author)
See? Edward G. Robles
Sorry: Wrong Dimension Ross Rocklynne
Jaywalker Ross Rocklynne
Treachery in Outer Space Carey Rockwell
Stand by for Mars! Carey Rockwell
Danger in Deep Space Carey Rockwell
On the Trail of the Space Pirates Carey Rockwell
The Space Pioneers Carey Rockwell
The Revolt on Venus Carey Rockwell
Sabotage in Space Carey Rockwell
Under the Ocean to the South Pole; Or, the Strange Cruise of the Submarine Wonder Roy Rockwood
Dave Dashaway and His Hydroplane; Or, Daring Adventures over the Great Lake Roy Rockwood
Five Thousand Miles Underground; Or, the Mystery of the Centre of the Earth Roy Rockwood
Lost on the Moon; Or, in Quest of the Field of Diamonds Roy Rockwood
On a Torn-Away World; Or, the Captives of the Great Earthquake Roy Rockwood
Through Space to Mars; Or, the Longest Journey on Record Roy Rockwood
Through Space to Mars; Or, the Longest Journey on Record Roy Rockwood
Through the Air to the North Pole Roy Rockwood
The Wizard of the Sea; Or, A Trip Under the Ocean Roy Rockwood
Don't Look Now Leonard Rubin
The Second Voice Mann Rubin
The Moon Destroyers Monroe K. Ruch
The Deep One Neil P. Ruzic
The Lamps of the Angels Richard Sabia
I Was a Teen-Age Secret Weapon Richard Sabia