Books about Animals -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
Little Jack Rabbit and Uncle John Hare David Cory 283 downloads
The world of the great forest : how animals, birds, reptiles, insects talk, think, work, and live Paul B. Du Chaillu 279 downloads
The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse Thornton W. Burgess 273 downloads
The Gray Goose's Story Amy Prentice 266 downloads
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck Thornton W. Burgess 261 downloads
The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel Thornton W. Burgess 256 downloads
The Adventures of Grandfather Frog Thornton W. Burgess 253 downloads
The Adventures of Sammy Jay Thornton W. Burgess 250 downloads
Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country Joel Chandler Harris 245 downloads
The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat Thornton W. Burgess 244 downloads
Mümmelmann: Ein Tierbuch (German) Hermann Löns 240 downloads
Among the Farmyard People Clara Dillingham Pierson 240 downloads
Uncle Wiggily's Story Book Howard Roger Garis 238 downloads
Once upon a time animal stories Carolyn Sherwin Bailey 236 downloads
Among the Pond People Clara Dillingham Pierson 229 downloads
The Comical Creatures from Wurtemberg Unknown 228 downloads
The Tale of Solomon Owl Arthur Scott Bailey 227 downloads
The Boy Travellers on the Congo Henry M. Stanley and Thomas Wallace Knox 224 downloads
Blacky the Crow Thornton W. Burgess 224 downloads
Mrs. Peter Rabbit Thornton W. Burgess 219 downloads
The Adventures of Old Man Coyote Thornton W. Burgess 217 downloads
The Adventures of Bobby Coon Thornton W. Burgess 217 downloads
Little Jack Rabbit and the Squirrel Brothers David Cory 214 downloads
Uncle Wiggily in the Woods Howard Roger Garis 213 downloads
Mother West Wind "When" Stories Thornton W. Burgess 211 downloads