Books about Asia, Central -- Description and travel (sorted by popularity)
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Travels in Central Asia Ármin Vámbéry 584 downloads
Travels Into Bokhara (Volume 1 of 3) Sir Alexander Burnes 372 downloads
Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China during the years 1844-5-6. Volume 1 Evariste Régis Huc 304 downloads
Árminius Vambéry, his life and adventures Ármin Vámbéry 273 downloads
Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China During the years 1844-5-6. Volume 2 Evariste Régis Huc 227 downloads
Travels Into Bokhara (Volume 2 of 3) Sir Alexander Burnes 199 downloads
Im Herzen von Asien. Zweiter Band. (German) Sven Anders Hedin 197 downloads
Im Herzen von Asien. Erster Band. (German) Sven Anders Hedin 194 downloads
Im Sattel durch Zentralasien: 6000 Kilometer in 176 Tagen (German) Erich von Salzmann 192 downloads
Across Coveted Lands; or, a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland Arnold Henry Savage Landor 191 downloads
Van Orenburg naar Samarkand (Dutch) Vasilïĭ Vasilʹevich Vereshchagin 189 downloads
Afghanistan A. Hamilton 189 downloads
The face of Manchuria, Korea, & Russian Turkestan E. G. Kemp 187 downloads
Sketches of Central Asia (1868) Ármin Vámbéry 178 downloads
Through deserts and oases of central Asia Sir Percy Sykes and Ella Sykes 176 downloads
Közép-ázsiai utazás (Hungarian) Ármin Vámbéry 174 downloads
Through Russian Central Asia Stephen Graham 165 downloads
De Reis van Prins Scipio Borghese naar de Hemelsche Bergen (Dutch) Jules Brocherel 155 downloads
L'Asie inconnue : à travers le Tibet (French) Gabriel Bonvalot 150 downloads
En Asie centrale : du Kohistan à la Caspienne (French) Gabriel Bonvalot 149 downloads
En Asie centrale : De Moscou en Bactriane (French) Gabriel Bonvalot 145 downloads
Travels into Bokhara (Volume 3 of 3) Sir Alexander Burnes 144 downloads
Vámbéry Ármin vázlatai Közép-Ázsiából (Hungarian) Ármin Vámbéry 140 downloads
Le père Huc et ses critiques (French) Prince Henri d' Orléans 133 downloads
Reis naar Merw (Dutch) Anonymous 120 downloads
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