Books about Fairy tales (sorted by popularity)
Duizend en één Nacht. Arabische vertellingen. Eerste deel (Dutch) Anonymous 135 downloads
It's Your Fairy Tale, You Know Elizabeth Rhodes Jackson 135 downloads
Bill the Minder W. Heath Robinson 134 downloads
Fairy Tales, Volume 2 (of 2) 134 downloads
Baron Bruno; Or, The Unbelieving Philosopher, and Other Fairy Stories Louisa Morgan 133 downloads
The Arabian Nights Entertainments — Volume 04 132 downloads
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard Eleanor Farjeon 132 downloads
Histoire d'un casse-noisette (French) Alexandre Dumas 132 downloads
The Little Match Girl H. C. Andersen 132 downloads
Contes choisis de la famille (French) Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm 131 downloads
The Great Red Frog Sidney Ransom 130 downloads
Dick and His Cat Mary Ellis 130 downloads
The Shadow Witch Gertrude Crownfield 130 downloads
Cross Purposes and The Shadows George MacDonald 130 downloads
The Zankiwank and The Bletherwitch: An Original Fantastic Fairy Extravaganza S. J. Adair Fitz-Gerald 129 downloads
Tuhannen ja yhden yön tarinoita III (Finnish) Anonymous 129 downloads
The Treasure of the Isle of Mist W. W. Tarn 129 downloads
Duizend en één Nacht. Arabische vertellingen. Tweede deel (Dutch) Anonymous 129 downloads
The Mary Frances Story Book; or, Adventures Among the Story People Jane Eayre Fryer 127 downloads
The Dream Coach Anne Parrish and Dillwyn Parrish 127 downloads
Told in the gardens of Araby (untranslated until now) 127 downloads
The entertaining story of King Brondé, his Lily and his Rosebud Abby Morton Diaz 127 downloads
The Popular Story of Blue Beard Charles Perrault 127 downloads
Le crime de Lord Arthur Savile (French) Oscar Wilde 127 downloads
The Magician's Show Box, and Other Stories Lydia Maria Child and Caroline Sturgis Tappan 127 downloads