Books about India -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Young Rajah William Henry Giles Kingston 182 downloads
The Hosts of the Lord Flora Annie Webster Steel 171 downloads
Tales of Destiny Edmund Mitchell 165 downloads
In furthest Ind : The narrative of Mr Edward Carlyon of the honourable East India Company's service Sydney C. Grier 164 downloads
Guns of the Gods: A Story of Yasmini's Youth Talbot Mundy 157 downloads
From the Five Rivers Flora Annie Webster Steel 156 downloads
The Winds of the World Talbot Mundy 154 downloads
Nick Carter Stories No. 135. April 10, 1915; Straight to the Goal; Or, Nick Carter's Queer Challenge Nicholas Carter 146 downloads
Das Schönste von Max Dauthendey (German) Max Dauthendey 139 downloads
Son of Power Will Levington Comfort and Zamin Ki Dost 135 downloads
Simple psiman F. L. Wallace 134 downloads
A Galahad of the Creeks; The Widow Lamport S. Levett Yeats 133 downloads
The Way of an Eagle Ethel M. Dell 129 downloads
The Native Born; or, the Rajah's People I. A. R. Wylie 122 downloads
Olivia in India O. Douglas 120 downloads
Nick Carter Stories No. 134, April 3, 1915; The Secret of Shangore; Or, Nick Carter Among the Spearmen Nicholas Carter 118 downloads
Miss Stuart's Legacy Flora Annie Webster Steel 113 downloads
Viidakkopoika (Finnish) Rudyard Kipling 112 downloads
Haaksirikko (Finnish) Rabindranath Tagore 112 downloads
Om: The secret of Ahbor Valley Talbot Mundy 93 downloads
Kim: Koko maailman pikku ystävä (Finnish) Rudyard Kipling 67 downloads
- Kotkan tie (Finnish) Ethel M. Dell 35 downloads