Books about Insects (sorted by popularity)
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An Elementary Study of Insects Leonard Haseman 468 downloads
The Insect Jules Michelet 333 downloads
Curious Facts in the History of Insects; Including Spiders and Scorpions. Frank Cowan 333 downloads
Insect Adventures Jean-Henri Fabre and Louise Hasbrouck Zimm 317 downloads
Book of Monsters David Fairchild and Marian Fairchild 314 downloads
Eye Spy: Afield with Nature Among Flowers and Animate Things W. Hamilton Gibson 257 downloads
An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. 1 William Kirby and William Spence 245 downloads
Het Leven der Dieren, Deel 3, Hoofdstuk 04: De Insecten (Dutch) Alfred Edmund Brehm 237 downloads
Our Common Insects A. S. Packard 232 downloads
An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. 3 William Kirby and William Spence 217 downloads
The Insect World Louis Figuier 214 downloads
The Wonders of Instinct: Chapters in the Psychology of Insects Jean-Henri Fabre 209 downloads
An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. 4 William Kirby and William Spence 187 downloads
The romance of insect life : Interesting descriptions of the strange and curious in the insect world Edmund Selous 181 downloads
On the Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects Sir John Lubbock 177 downloads
A Text-book of Entomology A. S. Packard 176 downloads
An Introduction to Entomology: Vol. 2 William Kirby and William Spence 165 downloads
Souvenirs entomologiques - Livre I (French) Jean-Henri Fabre 156 downloads
Nouveaux souvenirs entomologiques - Livre II (French) Jean-Henri Fabre 150 downloads
The Life and Love of the Insect Jean-Henri Fabre 144 downloads
Muistelmia hyönteismaailmasta: Kuvauksia hyönteisten tavoista ja vaistosta (Finnish) Jean-Henri Fabre 142 downloads
Insect manufactures Anonymous 141 downloads
The Life of an Insect 139 downloads
Studies in the Theory of Descent (Volumes 1 and 2) August Weismann 130 downloads
The Life of the Grasshopper Jean-Henri Fabre 129 downloads
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