Books about Villages -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
Displaying results 1–12
Janice Day Helen Beecher Long 163 downloads
Everybody's business Agnes Giberne 160 downloads
That Little Girl of Miss Eliza's: A Story for Young People Jean K. Baird 144 downloads
Frank Hardy's choice, and what came of it Charlotte Grace O'Brien 137 downloads
Elsie's scholarship : and why she surrendered it Emma Leslie 137 downloads
The little Barefoot : A tale Berthold Auerbach 137 downloads
The other Miller girl Joslyn Gray 130 downloads
Ralph Trulock's Christmas Roses Annette Lyster 116 downloads
Neue Kindergeschichten aus Oberheudorf: Fünfzehn heitere Erzählungen (German) Josephine Siebe 112 downloads
Oberheudorfer Buben- und Mädelgeschichten: Sechszehn heitere Erzählungen (German) Josephine Siebe 101 downloads
The Village Champion William O. Stoddard 89 downloads
Rose Cottage : A story Eleanora H. Stooke 82 downloads
Displaying results 1–12