Books about Psychological fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Mill on the Floss George Eliot 2196 downloads
The Mayor of Casterbridge Thomas Hardy 2008 downloads
Moby Dick; Or, The Whale Herman Melville 2002 downloads
Lady Audley's Secret M. E. Braddon 1950 downloads
The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne 1873 downloads
Lord Jim Joseph Conrad 1782 downloads
The Moon and Sixpence W. Somerset Maugham 1680 downloads
The Secret Sharer Joseph Conrad 1593 downloads
The Beautiful and Damned F. Scott Fitzgerald 1521 downloads
The Gambler Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1520 downloads
Wieland; Or, The Transformation: An American Tale Charles Brockden Brown 1353 downloads
Charlotte Temple Mrs. Rowson 1302 downloads
Babbitt Sinclair Lewis 1259 downloads
Eleanor's victory M. E. Braddon 1201 downloads
The Princess of Cleves Madame de La Fayette 1175 downloads
The Financier: A Novel Theodore Dreiser 1172 downloads
Lady Audley's Secret M. E. Braddon 1168 downloads
McTeague: A Story of San Francisco Frank Norris 1121 downloads
Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad 1087 downloads
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Stephen Crane 1075 downloads
The Mystery of Edwin Drood Charles Dickens 1015 downloads
Death in Venice Thomas Mann 958 downloads
The American Henry James 925 downloads
The Turn of the Screw Henry James 905 downloads
Women in Love D. H. Lawrence 898 downloads