Books about France -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
La Mere Bauche Anthony Trollope 135 downloads
The Bagpipers George Sand 135 downloads
La Marquise (French) George Sand 133 downloads
The Sisters-In-Law: A Novel of Our Time Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 132 downloads
Messieurs les ronds-de-cuir (French) Georges Courteline 130 downloads
The story of Fifine Bernard Capes 128 downloads
Madame Rose; Pierre de Villerglé (French) Amédée Achard 126 downloads
The will to live (Les Roquevillard) : A novel Henry Bordeaux 124 downloads
Le Mauvais Génie (French) comtesse de Sophie Ségur 123 downloads
The Secret of Toni Molly Elliot Seawell 121 downloads
The Confession of a Child of the Century — Volume 3 Alfred de Musset 114 downloads
The Jugglers: A Story Molly Elliot Seawell 114 downloads
Hellé (Finnish) Marcelle Tinayre 113 downloads
The Confession of a Child of the Century — Volume 2 Alfred de Musset 113 downloads
Markiisitar: Kertomus (Finnish) George Sand 112 downloads
Vuosisadan lapsen tunnustus (Finnish) Alfred de Musset 110 downloads
Anne Hereford: A Novel Mrs. Henry Wood 108 downloads
Les creux-de-maisons (French) Ernest Pérochon 108 downloads
Kuolemantuomitun viimeinen päivä (Finnish) Victor Hugo 106 downloads
Les Roquevillard (French) Henry Bordeaux 104 downloads
The Red Lily — Volume 01 Anatole France 103 downloads
Große und kleine Welt (German) Honoré de Balzac 101 downloads
Totuus (Finnish) Émile Zola 100 downloads
Taiteilijan avioliitto : Pariisilaisia kuvia (Finnish) Alphonse Daudet 98 downloads
Laakson lilja: Maaseutuelämän kuvaus (Finnish) Honoré de Balzac 97 downloads