Books about Southern States -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
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Aunt Phillis's Cabin; Or, Southern Life As It Is Mary H. Eastman
Beulah Augusta J. Evans
Birthright: A Novel T. S. Stribling
Bishop of Cottontown: A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills John Trotwood Moore
"Bobbie", a Story of the Confederacy Kate Langley Bosher
Bricks Without Straw: A Novel Albion Winegar Tourgée
Bypaths in Dixie: Folk Tales of the South Sarah Johnson Cocke
Caleb Trench Mary Imlay Taylor
Cane Jean Toomer
case de l'oncle Tom; ou, vie des nègres en Amérique (French) Harriet Beecher Stowe
Co-Citizens Corra Harris
Eneas Africanus Harry Stillwell Edwards
Hagar Mary Johnston
Holly: The Romance of a Southern Girl Ralph Henry Barbour
House Behind the Cedars Charles W. Chesnutt
House of Fulfilment George Madden Martin
Hullun yritys: Amerikalainen historiallinen romani (Finnish) Albion Winegar Tourgée
John March, Southerner George Washington Cable
Kitty of the Roses Ralph Henry Barbour
Land of Content Edith Barnard Delano
Law of the Land Emerson Hough
Miller Of Old Church Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
Milly: At Love's Extremes; A Romance of the Southland Maurice Thompson
Miss Minerva and William Green Hill Frances Boyd Calhoun
Mountain: A Novel Clement Wood
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