Books about Frontier and pioneer life -- West (U.S.) -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
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Arkansasin sissit: Seikkailuromaani suurilta ruoholakeuksilta (Finnish) Gustave Aimard
Blazed trail stories, and Stories of the wild life Stewart Edward White
Buckskin Mose George W. Perrie
Buffalo Bill and the Overland Trail Edwin L. Sabin
Call of the Canyon Zane Grey
Copper Streak Trail Eugene Manlove Rhodes
Covered Wagon Emerson Hough
Devil's Ford Bret Harte
Forest Monster; or, Lamora, the Maid of the Canon Edward Sylvester Ellis
Freebooters of the Wilderness Agnes C. Laut
Golden Face: A Tale of the Wild West Bertram Mitford
Gunman's Reckoning Max Brand
Hidden Creek Katharine Newlin Burt
Indian's Hand Lorimer Stoddard
Jimmyjohn Boss, and Other Stories Owen Wister
Keith of the Border: A Tale of the Plains Randall Parrish
Lillian Morris, and Other Stories Henryk Sienkiewicz
Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales Bret Harte
Marion's Faith. Charles King
Midnight Jack, or The road-agent T. C. Harbaugh
Other Main-Travelled Roads Hamlin Garland
Pardners Rex Beach
pelsjagers van de Arkansas: Tafereelen uit de wouden en prairien van Amerika (Dutch) Gustave Aimard
Red Men and White Owen Wister
Squaw Man: A Novel Edwin Milton Royle and Julie Opp
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