Books about Prisoners -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
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Aaron Trow Anthony Trollope
Alarm Clock Everett B. Cole
Attitude Hal Clement
Citadel of the Green Death Robert Emmett McDowell
comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome I (French) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome II (French) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome III (French) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome IV (French) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
Conte di Monte-Cristo (Italian) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
Convict: A Tale G. P. R. James
Convict B 14: A Novel R. K. Weekes
Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
Exiles of the Three Red Moons Carl Selwyn
Exit From Asteroid 60 D. L. James
Eye for an Eye Clarence Darrow
fille Elisa (French) Edmond de Goncourt
For the Term of His Natural Life Marcus Andrew Hislop Clarke
Half A Chance Frederic Stewart Isham
Handyman Frank Banta
Into the Highways and Hedges F. F. Montrésor
Isle of Retribution Edison Marshall
Jacket (The Star-Rover) Jack London
Last Rebel Joseph A. Altsheler
Left hand, right hand James H. Schmitz
Manners and Customs of the Thrid Murray Leinster
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