*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 17764 *** [Transcribers note: This project has some lovely illustrations that are best enjoyed by viewing the HTML edition.] King Winter Published by Gustav W. Seitz Hamburg. ENTP at Stationer's Hall [Illustration] The sky is dull and grey, Piercing and chill the blast, Each step resounds on the frosty ground, Winter is come at last. * * * * * Mamma sits by the fire Her little ones round her knees. "How cosy we are, Mamma," they cry, "Tell us something, if you please." [Illustration] [Illustration] "Tell us about King Winter, And about Jack Frost, his man; We'll not be noisy or naughty at all, But as good as ever we can." * * * * * "Well then;" says mamma, "you, Jenny, May knit and listen, my dear; And Johnny may split up wood, to make The fire burn bright and clear." [Illustration] [Illustration] King Winter dwells in the North; Far away in the Frozen Zone, In a palace of snow he holds his court, And sits on an icy throne. * * * * * He has cushions of course: his Queen Made them out of her wedding gown. Stuffing them well with snowflakes fine, And soft as eiderdown. [Illustration] [Illustration] The King has a trusty servant, Jack Frost is his name; his nose Is raspberry red, his beard is white, And stiff as a crutch it grows. * * * * * Old Jack is a sturdy good fellow, And serves their Majesties well; He's here and he's there, and he's everywhere, And does more than I can tell. [Illustration] [Illustration] Each year, as the day comes round, The king and his royal train Set off on a tour through the wide wide world, And sweep over mountain and plain. * * * * * His Majesty fails not to visit Every clime that's not too hot, To look in upon both high and low, From the palace down to the cot. [Illustration] [Illustration] Jack Frost has a busy time then, But he's helped and advised by the Queen, That all may be right when the King goes forth, And everything fit to be seen. * * * * * That the King may have pleasant travel, And no stone hurt his royal toe, Her Majesty spreads all over the earth, A carpet of downy snow. [Illustration] [Illustration] Fine mirrors the King delights in: None are finer than Jack can make: And in matchless sheets of crystal clear He lays them on river and lake. * * * * * The trees, all naked and drear, He robes in the purest white, And with icicles shining with rainbow hues, He makes their branches bright. [Illustration] [Illustration] And for want of buds and blossoms To strew in his Majesty's way, With magic flowers of his own device He makes the windows gay. * * * * * These wonders wrought in a single night May well excite surprise; Amazed is the sun when he gets up at dawn, And he stares with all his eyes. [Illustration] [Illustration] Then out come all the boys and girls, Jack's handiwork to view, And their noses and cheeks turn red with cold, Some of them even turn blue. * * * * * They pelt each other with snow, Roll it up in a mighty ball, And shout and laugh and scamper about, And heels over head they fall. [Illustration] [Illustration] They make a huge man of snow, As grand as a Russian Czar, A wooden sword in his hand, in his mouth, A carrot to serve for cigar. * * * * * His eyes, his hair, and his beard, They paint as black as my shoe With burnt stick, but they spoil his nose, For they stick it rather askew. [Illustration] [Illustration] Then what do you think? For a cockshot They take him; they pelt him and hit; They knock of the snowman's ears and nose, But he does not mind it a bit. * * * * * Hurrah! for the good thick ice. Oh! isn't it jolly? They slide, They skate, and in sleighs so fine they go, And swift as the wind they glide. [Illustration] [Illustration] King Winter laughs at the sport, Cries "Bravo!" and claps his hands, And calling in haste for his man, Jack Frost, He gives him these commands: * * * * * "Go see the papas and mammas, And bring me word what they say: Have the children been good and well behaved, Since last I came this way?" [Illustration] [Illustration] The King trims Christmas trees, To give to good girls and boys, With tapers and trinkets of silver and gold, And all sorts of dainties and toys. * * * * * The Queen cuts twigs of birch, Of birch so supple and keen, And daintily ties them up into rods The finest that ever were seen. [Illustration] [Illustration] Soon with this word to the King Jack Frost comes back at a trot: "Good have most of the children been, But some of them have not." * * * * * The King gives him the pretty trees, The Queen the rods so smart, And away goes Jack again with his load, Till every house has its part. [Illustration] [Illustration] Cakes, mince-pies nuts and apples, Good children get from the King. You can guess what the naughty get, The rods are the only thing. * * * * * "Oh dear mamma," cries Jenny, "Johnny's been good, and so have I! Pray tell Jack Frost we don't want the rod, Oh! do ask him to put it by." [Illustration] [Illustration] Mamma smiles on her darlings, They run to her, kiss her, and say: "How long do you think will it be, Mamma, Ere King Winter goes away?" * * * * * "He will lay upon Baby's cradle The snowdrops that early come forth; And then, my dears, he will bid us good bye And go back to his home in the North." [Illustration] *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 17764 ***