*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 61695 *** UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE PIRATES or, HOW THE ENEMY CRAFT OF PIRATE FOX WAS SUNK and, THE BOB CAT NEARLY SPOILED A NUTTING PARTY also, UNCLE WIGGILY AND NURSE JANE GATHER MAY FLOWERS TEXT BY HOWARD R. GARIS Author of THREE LITTLE TRIPPERTROTS and BED TIME STORIES PICTURED BY LANG CAMPBELL NEWARK, N. J. CHARLES E. GRAHAM & CO. NEW YORK IF YOU LIKE THIS FUNNY LITTLE PICTURE BOOK ABOUT THE BUNNY RABBIT GENTLEMAN YOU MAY BE GLAD TO KNOW THERE ARE OTHERS. So if the spoon holder doesn’t go down cellar and take the coal shovel away from the gas stove, you may read 1 UNCLE WIGGILY’S AUTO SLED. 2 UNCLE WIGGILY’S SNOW MAN. 3 UNCLE WIGGILY’S HOLIDAYS. 4 UNCLE WIGGILY’S APPLE ROAST. 5 UNCLE WIGGILY’S PICNIC. 6 UNCLE WIGGILY’S FISHING TRIP. 7 UNCLE WIGGILY’S JUNE BUG FRIENDS. 8 UNCLE WIGGILY’S VISIT TO THE FARM. 9 UNCLE WIGGILY’S SILK HAT. 10 UNCLE WIGGILY, INDIAN HUNTER. 11 UNCLE WIGGILY’S ICE CREAM PARTY. 12 UNCLE WIGGILY’S WOODLAND GAMES. 13 UNCLE WIGGILY ON THE FLYING RUG. 14 UNCLE WIGGILY AT THE BEACH. 15 UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE PIRATES. 16 UNCLE WIGGILY’S FUNNY AUTO 17 UNCLE WIGGILY ON ROLLER SKATES. 18 UNCLE WIGGILY GOES SWIMMING. Every book has three stories, including the title story. _Made in U. S. A._ Copyright 1919 McClure Newspaper Syndicate. Trade mark registered. Copyright 1920, 1922, 1924 Charles E. Graham & Co., Newark, N. J., and New York. How the Enemy Craft of Pirate Fox was Sunk ------------------------------------------ 1. Once upon a time Curly and Floppy Twistytail, the two piggie boys, thought they would play the game of Pirate. They whittled out some wooden swords and made a wooden raft. On the raft they set sail across the duck pond ocean. “We’ll sail over to Uncle Wiggily’s bungalow and capture him,” grunted Curly. “What do we do after we capture him?” asked Floppy. “Hold him for a ransom,” said Curly. 2. Uncle Wiggily, standing on shore, was surprised when the two piggie boys leaped off their raft and captured him. “What’s all this, boys?” he asked, twinkling his pink nose. “We are Pirates and we have captured you,” grunted Floppy. “And you can’t get away until you pay us a ransom of ten lollypops!” squealed Curly. So they tied Uncle Wiggily to the mast. The bunny gentleman laughed at the fun. 3. The Fox and Wolf, hidden on shore, watched Curly and Floppy playing at being Pirates and capturing Uncle Wiggily. “We could do that,” growled the Wolf. “Do what?” asked the Fox. “Dress up and pretend to be Pirates,” answered the Wolf. “Those pigs will soon tire of the game. We can take their raft, sneak up and get Uncle Wiggily. He’ll think it is all in fun and, before he knows it, we’ll have him!” 4. The Wolf was right. In a little while Curly and Floppy let Uncle Wiggily go, for the piggie boys became tired of playing the Pirate game. Uncle Wiggily gave them lollypops for a ransom. Then, while the piggie boys went to play ball, and while Uncle Wiggily was asleep on the shore, the Fox and Wolf, dressed like Pirates, and pretending to be friendly animal boys, sneaked up to capture the bunny. 5. Before Uncle Wiggily was quite awake, the Fox and Wolf had caught him and dragged him on the piggie boys’ raft which the bad animals took. “Ha! Ha!” laughed Uncle Wiggily, when he saw what had happened. “This is a good joke! You look just like real pirates, Curly and Floppy. But why have you put on false faces? You didn’t do that at first. “Come, we’ve had enough fun! Let’s go ashore!” 6. After a while Curly and Floppy grew tired of playing ball. They went down to the shore of the duck pond ocean to get their raft once more, but it was gone. “Oh, look!” squealed Floppy. “The Fox and Wolf have taken our raft. They dressed up as Pirates, like us, and have captured Uncle Wiggily! What shall we do?” Curly looked at the boat on shore. “To the rescue! We must sink the enemy craft!” 7. No sooner said than done! Into the boat jumped Curly and Floppy. “We’ll make believe this piece of stove pipe is a cannon,” said Floppy. “And we’ll use cabbages, turnips and carrots for cannon balls!” His brother said that was a good idea, and off they started after the raft, which the Fox and Wolf were sailing away, taking Uncle Wiggily with them. By this time the bunny knew he was in danger. 8. Straight toward the pirate raft went the boat. “Surrender!” cried Floppy. “Give us back Uncle Wiggily or we’ll sink you!” The Fox and Wolf rushed wildly about. “We ought to have guns!” howled the Fox. “Well, we haven’t any!” snarled the Wolf. Floppy blew talcum powder through the stove pipe cannon and threw cabbages, turnips and carrots until the Fox and Wolf were ready to jump overboard. 9. One big cabbage hit the mast of the raft and broke it. A lot of turnips knocked apart the craft of the Pirate Fox and Wolf. Into the water leaped the bad chaps, hit all over with sharp carrots. “We’ll save you, Uncle Wiggily! We’ll save you!” called Floppy and Curly. They took the rabbit gentleman into the boat with them and rowed him safely to shore, while the Fox and Wolf clung to the broken raft. And if the grasshopper doesn’t tickle the fountain pen under the chin and make it spill ink on the cocoanut cake, the next pictures and story will tell how IT’S LOTS OF FUN TO GATHER NUTS AND ROAST THEM AT A FIRE. BUT WHEN THEY CALL UPON YOUR HEAD IT’S TIME THEN TO RETIRE. The Bob Cat Nearly Spoiled a Nutting Party ------------------------------------------ 1. One day Johnnie and Billie Bushytail, the squirrel boys, ran over to Uncle Wiggily’s hollow stump bungalow. “Please come nutting with us, Uncle Wiggily!” chattered the squirrels. “The nuts ate late this year. We’ll find the trees loaded.” So while Uncle Wiggily held his tall silk hat beneath a chestnut tree, the squirrel boys knocked nuts into-it. “We’ll have a nut party!” laughed the bunny gentleman. 2. “We ought to have more than one kind of nuts at a party!” cried Johnnie, when the bunny’s hat was nearly full. “I know where there’s a hazel bush!” said Billie. “Let’s go there!” proposed Uncle Wiggily. And when the three friends reached the hazel nut bush, the wind was blowing so hard that it blew the nuts off the bush and into the bunny’s hat, and the caps of the squirrel chaps. It was jolly fun! 3. “Haven’t we enough nuts now for a little party?” asked Johnnie. “I think so,” answered Uncle Wiggily. “We’ll make a little camp fire on a big rock in the woods, and roast the chestnuts. The hazel nuts do not need roasting.” Soon a jolly party was gathered around the camp fire. Just then along came the sneaky Bob Cat. “Oh ho!” said the Bob Cat to himself, “I guess I’ll have some ears to nibble now!” 4. All of a sudden, while Uncle Wiggily and the squirrels were roasting the nuts, up sprang the Bob Cat. Before the bunny could do anything he was caught and tied in a wild grape vine, and so were the squirrel boys. “I’ll take you off to my den,” said the bad Bob Cat, “and I’ll nibble your ears when I get you there!” Uncle Wiggily begged and pleaded, but the Bob Cat would not let him loose. Oh, dear! 5. On his way to his den the Bob Cat led Uncle Wiggily and the two squirrels beneath a horse chestnut tree. Then Johnnie had an idea. He quickly whispered to Uncle Wiggily while the Bob Cat was looking the other way. Then the squirrel boy said: “Oh, Mr. Bob Cat, here are some fine big nuts! Wouldn’t you like us to get you some of these nuts before you nibble our ears?” The Bob Cat said he thought he would. 6. “If you loosen us we'll climb up and get you some great big horse chestnuts!” chattered the squirrels to the Bob Cat. They didn’t tell him horse chestnuts weren’t good to eat. “Very well,” snarled the Bob Cat. “I'll loosen you long enough to have you get me some nuts. But I'll tie Uncle Wiggily fast to the tree trunk,” and this was done. “We'll jiggle nuts on the Bob Cat,” said Billie to Johnnie, whispering. 7. All of a sudden, when the Bob Cat was right under big clusters of the sharp, stickery nuts, the squirrel boys began shaking down the horse chestnuts. “Bing! Bang! Bung!” they fell all over the Bob Cat, pricking him like a dozen pin cushions. “Stop! Stop! That’s enough!” howled the bad chap. But Johnnie and Billie danced the harder, sending down more prickery nuts to stick the Bob Cat. None hit the bunny. 8. Johnnie and Billie shook down so many of the big horse chestnuts in their stickery green husks, that the Bob Cat was covered almost over his head. Every time the Bob Cat moved and tried to get out from beneath the nuts, they only pricked him the harder. “Oh, wow!” howled the bad chap! “Come on!” cried Johnnie to Billie as they scrambled down the tree. “Let’s untie Uncle Wiggily and run!” 9. While the Bob Cat was trying to crawl out from beneath the pile of stickery horse chestnuts, Johnnie and Billie quickly loosened the grape vine ropes from around Uncle Wiggily. None of the sharp nuts had fallen on the bunny gentleman. “Good-bye, old Bob Cat!” cried the squirrel boys, as they tossed a few more nuts on the pile, to make sure the bad chap wouldn’t get out and chase them. But he couldn't! And if the egg beater doesn’t try to turn the rubber plant into an umbrella for the gold fish, the next pictures and story will tell how UNCLE WIGGILY WENT ONE DAY, HIS BASKET TO FILL WITH FLOWERS OF MAY. AND, THOUGH HE GATHERED BLOSSOMS BRIGHT, HE ALSO HAD A TERRIBLE FIGHT. Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane Gather May Flowers ----------------------------------------------- 1. One day Uncle Wiggily invited Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy to come with him to the woods. “We shall gather a basket of May flowers,” said the bunny rabbit. “Yes, and I suppose I shall catch cold and have the sniffle-snuffles,” laughed the muskrat lady housekeeper. “But, come along. Perhaps we shall have some adventures.” So, in the woods, the bunny gentleman and Nurse Jane gathered flowers. 2. “I see some red flowers over here,” said Nurse Jane, after a time. “I’m going to pick them.” She moved away from Uncle Wiggily. But while the bunny was filling his basket, suddenly Nurse Jane came running back all out of breath. “Oh, Uncle Wiggily!” she gasped. “The Skillery Scallery Alligator is crawling after me! What shall I do?” Uncle Wiggily twinkled his pink nose and said: “Let me think!” 3. Surely enough, while Uncle Wiggily was thinking and twinkling his pink nose, along came the Skillery Scallery Alligator with humps on his tail. “Well, Uncle Wiggily,” cried Nurse Jane, “Have you thought of anything yet?” The bunny rabbit quickly jumped along with his basket of flowers, at the same time grasping Nurse Jane’s paw. “Yes,” he said, “I think we had better run! Come on!” 4. But though Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane ran very fast, the ’Gator still came on after them, and at last the muskrat lady said: “We shall never escape. You had better think again, Uncle Wiggily.” So the bunny rabbit did. He saw an old stump, covered with toad stools. “I’ll make myself look like a stump,” he said to Nurse Jane, “and you cover yourself with blossoms so you look like a flower bed.” 5. Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane disguised themselves, and only just in time. Along came the Alligator. “Well,” he growled, “I thought I saw Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane, but I must have made a mistake. All I see is an old stump or two and a bed of flowers. I can’t eat them. I want ears to nibble!” The Alligator ambled away and Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane stood up and thankfully shook paws. Wait a moment! 6. The rabbit gentleman and Nurse Jane had no more than stopped their hearts from beating wildly, than the muskrat lady said: “Hark! I think some other bad animal is coming!” And, surely enough, along stalked the Woozie Wolf. “Come on!” whispered Uncle Wiggily to Nurse Jane. “We must run again, I think!” Nurse Jane said the same thing. “We’re not getting many flowers for your May basket,” she said. 7. Suddenly, right in the path of Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane appeared a pond of water. “Oh, dear me! We're caught!” cried the muskrat lady. “You can’t swim, Wiggy, and we haven’t time to run around the pond. What shall we do?” Uncle Wiggily twinkled his pink nose. “We’ll wade into the pond and pretend to be water lilies. We'll come out after the Wolf passes. He’ll think we’re May blossoms.” 8. Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane waded into the pond, crouching down and hiding every bit of themselves but their faces. Their faces they held flat on the water trying to make themselves look like pond lilies. Up came the hungry Wolf. “Well, I think I had better get myself some glasses,” growled the bad chap. “I thought sure I saw Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane, but here are only leaves and lilies.” 9. When the old Wolf slunk away, Nurse Jane and Uncle Wiggily crawled out of the pond. “I suppose you'll scold me, Nurse Jane, for making so much trouble with my May basket and getting you all wet,” spoke the bunny rabbit. “Oh, not at all! Not at all!” laughed the muskrat lady. “I had quite a jolly time! I am all wet and we haven't any flowers in the basket. But we fooled the Wolf and 'Gator!” When you have finished reading this nice little book, perhaps you would like to read a larger volume about Uncle Wiggily. If so, go to the book store and ask the Man for one of the Uncle Wiggily Bedtime Story Books, they have a lot of Funny Pictures in and 31 stories—one for every night in the month. If the book store man has none of these volumes ask him to get you one or send direct to the Publishers, A. L. BURT COMPANY, 114 EAST 23rd STREET NEW YORK CITY LOOK HERE! This handsome book has large color pictures throughout and wonderful stories. Ask the book store man for _Adventures of Uncle Wiggily_. CHARLES E. GRAHAM & Co. NEWARK, N. J. End of Project Gutenberg's Uncle Wiggily and The Pirates, by Howard R. Garis *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 61695 ***