Books in Browsing: Archaeology (sorted alphabetically)
Spiro Mounds: Prehistoric Gateway ... Present-Day Enigma Don G. Wyckoff and D. E. Peterson
stone age in North America, vol. 1 of 2 Warren K. Moorehead
stone age in North America, vol. 2 of 2 Warren K. Moorehead
Stone Art Gerard Fowke
Study of Pueblo Architecture: Tusayan and Cibola Cosmos Mindeleff and Victor Mindeleff
Study of Pueblo Pottery as Illustrative of Zuñi Culture Growth. Frank Hamilton Cushing
Ten years' digging in Egypt, 1881-1891 W. M. Flinders Petrie
There was a King in Egypt Norma Lorimer
Throwing-sticks in the National Museum Otis Tufton Mason
Tonto Cliff Dwellings Guide: Tonto National Monument, Arizona United States. National Park Service and Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
Topanga Culture: Final Report on Excavations, 1948 Adan E. Treganza and Agnes Bierman
Towns of Roman Britain J. O. Bevan
Trattato generale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte: Italica, Etrusca e Romana (Italian) Iginio Gentile and Serafino Ricci
Travels Amongst American Indians, Their Ancient Earthworks and Temples Lindesay Brine
Treasury of Ancient Egypt Arthur E. P. Brome Weigall
Troy and Its Remains Heinrich Schliemann
Turquois mosaic art in ancient Mexico Marshall H. Saville
Unterkiefer des Homo Heidelbergensis: Aus den Sanden von Mauer bei Heidelberg (German) Otto Schoetensack
Venus of Milo: an archeological study of the goddess of womanhood Paul Carus
Vestiges of the Mayas Augustus Le Plongeon
Visits to Fields of Battle, in England, of the Fifteenth Century Richard Brooke
Wakeman's handbook of Irish antiquities : Third Edition W. F. Wakeman
Камено доба (Serbian) Jovan Zujovic