Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted by popularity)
A Brief History of the Internet Michael Hart and Maxwell Fuller 283 downloads
Stories of Great Inventors Hattie E. Macomber 279 downloads
Hawkins Electrical Guide v. 01 (of 10) N. Hawkins 277 downloads
Venus Equilateral George O. Smith 275 downloads
The Jargon File, Version 2.9.10, 01 Jul 1992 274 downloads
The beginnings of cheap steel Philip W. Bishop 274 downloads
Pictorial Photography in America 1922 Pictorial Photographers of America 273 downloads
A Manual of Mending and Repairing; With Diagrams Charles Godfrey Leland 271 downloads
Elements of Plumbing Samuel Edward Dibble 270 downloads
The boy mechanic, book 3 : 800 things for boys to do 269 downloads
The gunsmith's manual : A complete handbook for the American gunsmith, being a practical guide to all branches of the trade J. Parish Stelle and Wm. B. Harrison 269 downloads
The Library of Work and Play: Mechanics, Indoors and Out Fred. T. Hodgson 268 downloads
Pumps and Hydraulics, Part 2 (of 2) N. Hawkins 268 downloads
Scientific American, Volume XLIII., No. 25, December 18, 1880 Various 264 downloads
Popular Technology; or, Professions and Trades. Vol. 2 (of 2) Edward Hazen 263 downloads
A Practical Manual of the Collodion Process, Giving in Detail a Method For Producing Positive and Negative Pictures on Glass and Paper. S. D. Humphrey 260 downloads
The evolution of the steam locomotive (1803 to 1898) George Augustus Nokes 260 downloads
Modern Machine-Shop Practice, Volumes I and II Joshua Rose 260 downloads
Paper-Cutting Machines Jr. Niel Gray 258 downloads
The Modern Clock Ward L. Goodrich 257 downloads
Bromide Printing and Enlarging John A. Tennant 256 downloads
Six Cups of Coffee Marion Harland, Maria Parloa, Helen Campbell, Mary J. Lincoln, Catherine Owen, Juliet Corson, and Hester M. Poole 256 downloads
Soldering, Brazing and Welding 255 downloads
The Modern Railroad Edward Hungerford 255 downloads
Friction, Lubrication and the Lubricants in Horology W. T. Lewis 252 downloads