Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted by popularity)
A Practical Manual of the Collodion Process, Giving in Detail a Method For Producing Positive and Negative Pictures on Glass and Paper. S. D. Humphrey 256 downloads
The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology Donald H. Berkebile 255 downloads
The Modern Clock Ward L. Goodrich 255 downloads
Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889 Various 254 downloads
The calculating engine Charles Babbage 254 downloads
The Scholfield Wool-Carding Machines Grace Rogers Cooper 253 downloads
Manual Training Toys for the Boy's Workshop Harris W. Moore 252 downloads
Time and Its Measurement James Arthur 252 downloads
Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, February 1899 Various 252 downloads
The evolution of the steam locomotive (1803 to 1898) George Augustus Nokes 251 downloads
Six Cups of Coffee Marion Harland, Maria Parloa, Helen Campbell, Mary J. Lincoln, Catherine Owen, Juliet Corson, and Hester M. Poole 250 downloads
Paper-Cutting Machines Jr. Niel Gray 250 downloads
The 'Pioneer': Light Passenger Locomotive of 1851 John H. White 249 downloads
À terre & en l'air... (French) Félix Nadar 249 downloads
The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph Henry M. Field 249 downloads
Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, January 1899 Various 248 downloads
Fences, Gates and Bridges: A Practical Manual 247 downloads
Origin of modern calculating machines J. A. V. Turck 247 downloads
The filtration of public water-supplies Allen Hazen 246 downloads
The Boy's Book of Industrial Information Elisha Noyce 246 downloads
Naturalistic Photography for Students of the Art. P. H. Emerson 245 downloads
Printing Telegraphy... A New Era Begins Edward E. Kleinschmidt 245 downloads
Development of the Phonograph at Alexander Graham Bell's Volta Laboratory Leslie J. Newville 245 downloads
Marvel Carbureter and Heat Control Anonymous 244 downloads
Le livre, de l'imprimé au numérique (French) Marie Lebert 243 downloads