Books in Browsing: Health & Medicine (sorted alphabetically by author)
Bloodletting Instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology Audrey B. Davis and Toby A. Appel
How to Collect a Doctor Bill Franklyn Pierre Davis
Health Lessons, Book 1 Alvin Davison
Love—Marriage—Birth Control Viscount Bertrand Edward Dawson Dawson
The Opium Habit Horace B. Day
Spadacrene Anglica: The English Spa Fountain Edmund Deane
Igiene dei piaceri secondo le età, i temperamenti e le stagioni (Italian) A. Debay
Valere Aude: Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration Louis Dechmann
An inaugural dissertation on pulmonary consumption Edward Delafield
American Red Cross Text-Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick Jane A. Delano, Anne Hervey Strong, American National Red Cross, and Isabel McIsaac
A Treatise on Fractures, Luxations, and Other Affections of the Bones P.-J. Desault
Histoire Médicale de l'Armée d'Orient. Volume 2 (French) R. Desgenettes
Histoire Médicale de l'Armée d'Orient. Volume 1 (French) R. Desgenettes
A Treatise on the Diseases Produced By Onanism, Masturbation, Self-Pollution, and Other Excesses. L. Deslandes
The No Breakfast Plan and the Fasting-Cure Edward Hooker Dewey
Der Aether gegen den Schmerz (German) Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach
The Present Method of Inoculating for the Small-Pox Thomas Dimsdale
Thoughts on General and Partial Inoculations Thomas Dimsdale
Life in a tub; with a description of the Turkish bath Diogenes [pseudonym]
Amours d'Extrême-Orient (French) Olivier Diraison-Seylor
Sanitation of Mofussil Bazaars G. W. Disney
Insects and Diseases Rennie Wilbur Doane
Dolæus upon the cure of the gout by milk-diet Johann Doläus and William Stephens
De Harmonie van het Dierlijke Leven: De Openbaring van Wetten (Dutch) F. C. Donders
Kompendium der Psychiatrie für Studierende und Ärzte (German) Otto Dornblüth