Books in Browsing: Literature (sorted alphabetically by author)
People You Know George Ade
The Slim Princess George Ade
Ade's Fables George Ade
Knocking the Neighbors George Ade
Told in the Coffee House: Turkish Tales Cyrus Adler and Allan Ramsay
Místicas; poesías (Spanish) María Raquel Adler
Die Falkner vom Falkenhof. Erster Band. (German) Eufemia von Adlersfeld-Ballestrem
Die Falkner vom Falkenhof. Zweiter Band. (German) Eufemia von Adlersfeld-Ballestrem
Arqtiq: A Study of the Marvels at the North Pole Anna Adolph
A halottak élén (Hungarian) Endre Ady
Ki látott engem? Versek (Hungarian) Endre Ady
A menekülő Élet (Hungarian) Endre Ady
Új versek (Hungarian) Endre Ady
A magunk szerelme: Versek (Hungarian) Endre Ady
Igy is történhetik: Novellák (Hungarian) Endre Ady
Haaksirikko: Suomalainen perustuskielinen Taru (Finnish) Niilo Aejmelaeus
Ælfrics Grammatik und Glossar (Old English (ca. 450-1100)) (German) Abbot of Eynsham Aelfric
Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound and the Seven Against Thebes Aeschylus
Προμηθεύς Δεσμώτης (Modern Greek (1453-)) Aeschylus
The House of Atreus; Being the Agamemnon, the Libation bearers, and the Furies Aeschylus
Four Plays of Aeschylus Aeschylus
Ευμενίδες (Modern Greek (1453-)) Aeschylus
The Lyrical Dramas of Aeschylus Translated into English Verse Aeschylus
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus Aeschylus
Πέρσαι (Modern Greek (1453-)) Aeschylus