Iacobus, de Cessolis
See: Jacobus, de Cessolis, active 1288-1322
Iahn, Otto
See: Jahn, Otto, 1813-1869
Iankélévitch, S.
See: Jankélévitch, S. (Samuel), 1869-1951
Iarraidh, Gnathai Gan
See: Boyd, Ernest Augustus, 1887-1946
Ibáñez, Vicente Blasco
See: Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente, 1867-1928
Ibn Ibrahim, Sulayman
See: Ben Ibrahim, Sliman
Ibn Rushd, Abul Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad
See: Averroës, 1126-1198
- en.wikipedia
- no.wikipedia
- L'anitra selvatica (Italian) (as Author)
- La Asocio de la Junuloj: Dramo en kvin aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Baumeister Solneß: Schauspiel in drei Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
- Brand
Runo 5:ssä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Catilina (Norwegian) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 01 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 02 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 03 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 04 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 05 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 06 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 07 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 08 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 09 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 10 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 11 (of 11) (English) (as Author)
- Il costruttore Solness (Italian) (as Author)
- A Doll's House (English) (as Author)
- A Doll's House : a play (English) (as Author)
- La donna del mare (Italian) (as Author)
- Dramatische werken (Dutch) (as Author)
- Dramatische Werken: De comedie der liefde; Brand; Peer Gynt (Dutch) (as Author)
- Early Plays — Catiline, the Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans (English) (as Author)
- An Enemy of the People (English) (as Author)
- Eta Eyolf (Esperanto) (as Author)
- The Feast at Solhoug (English) (as Author)
- Fru Inger til Østråt (Norwegian) (as Author)
- Gespenster: Ein Familiendrama in drei Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
- Ghosts (English) (as Author)
- Ghosts: A Domestic Tragedy in Three Acts (English) (as Author)
- Gildet på Solhaug (Norwegian) (as Author)
- Hærmændene på Helgeland
Med anmerkninger av stud. mag. Birger Knudsen (Norwegian) (as Author)
- Hedda Gabler (English) (as Author)
- Hedda Gabler: Dramo en kvar aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Helgelannin sankarit: Näytelmä neljässä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Inger, Östråtin rouva: Viisinäytöksinen murhenäytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- John Gabriel Borkman (English) (as Author)
- John Gabriel Borkman (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Kærlighedens Komedie (Norwegian) (as Author)
- La kolonoj de la socio: Dramo en kvar aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Konstruestro Solness (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Kummittelijoita: Kolminäytöksinen perhenäytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kuninkaan-alut: Historiallinen näytelmä viidessä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Lady from the Sea (English) (as Author)
- Lady Inger of Ostrat: Henrik Ibsen's Prose Dramas Vol III (English) (as Author)
- La lega dei giovani : commedia in cinque atti (Italian) (as Author)
- Little Eyolf (English) (as Author)
- Love's Comedy (English) (as Author)
- The Master Builder (English) (as Author)
- Merenneito: 5-näytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Nora: Näytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Peer Gynt : Draamallinen runoelma (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pikku Eyolf: Kolminäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pillars of Society (English) (as Author)
- Popolmalamiko: Dramo en kvin aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Puphejmo: Dramo en tri aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Rakentaja Solness: Kolminäytöksinen murhenäytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rakkauden komedia
(1862) 3-näytöksinen komedia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rosmersholm (English) (as Author)
- Rosmersholma: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rosmersholm: Dramo en kvar aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Rosmersholm: Schauspiel in vier Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
- La Sinjorino el la Maro (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Spettri: dramma in tre atti (Italian) (as Author)
- La Tronpretendantoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- The Vikings of Helgeland: The Prose Dramas Of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. III. (English) (as Author)
- Vildanden (Norwegian) (as Author)
- When We Dead Awaken (English) (as Author)
- The wild duck : A drama in five acts (English) (as Author)
- Yhteiskunnan pylväät: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
See: Bradlaugh, Charles, 1833-1891
ICS (International Correspondence Schools)
See: International Correspondence Schools
Ide, Fannie Ogden
See: Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927
I. D. (John Dee)
See: Dee, John, 1527-1608
Iehan, de Vignay
See: Jean, de Vignay, 1284?-
Iellinek, Georg
See: Jellinek, Georg, 1851-1911
Iewel, Iohn
See: Jewel, John, 1522-1571
I. F. M. (Isabella Fyvie Mayo)
See: Mayo, Isabella Fyvie, 1843-1914
Ignacio, de Loyola, Saint
See: Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556
Ignatius, Philaeretus
See: Pou i Puigserver, Bartomeu, 1727-1802
Ignotus, Hugó
See: Ignotus, 1869-1949
Iisalo, Osmo
See: Railo, Eino, 1884-1948
See: International Joint Commission
Ikbol, Mukhammad, Sir
See: Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938
Iki-Kianto, Ilmari
See: Kianto, Ilmari, 1874-1970
Iles, Francis
See: Berkeley, Anthony, 1893-1971
Ilgenfritz, Alice
See: Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz, 1846-1905
Iliffe, Jane
See: West, Jane, 1758-1852
Ille-Beeg, Marie
See: Beeg, Marie, 1855-1927
Illinois. Chicago Commission on Race Relations
See: Chicago Commission on Race Relations
See: Kaari, Anna, 1903-1987
See: Hagfors, Elin
Imam Kassali
See: Ghazzali, 1058-1111
See: Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599
See: Perkins, Nathan, 1748-1838
Imperial and Royal Austrian Museum of Art and Industry
See: K.K. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie
Impivaara, Heikki
See: Impiwaara, Heikki, 1876-1964
Impressed New Yorker
See: Stevenson, William G.
- en.wikipedia
- The Beaux-Stratagem: A comedy in five acts (English) (as Commentator)
- A Bold Stroke for a Husband: A Comedy in Five Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Castle of Andalusia: A Comic Opera, in Three Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- Cato: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Constant Couple; Or, A Trip to the Jubilee: A Comedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Count of Narbonne: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Dramatist; Or, Stop Him Who Can! A Comedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Earl of Essex: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- Fontainbleau; a comic opera. In three acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Grecian Daughter (English) (as Commentator)
- The Heiress; a comedy, in five acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Inconstant (English) (as Commentator)
- Inkle and Yarico: An opera, in three acts (English) (as Commentator)
- Lovers' Vows (English) (as Author)
- Nature and Art (English) (as Author)
- Next Door Neighbours: A Comedy; In Three Acts (English) (as Author)
- The Recruiting Officer (English) (as Commentator)
- A Simple Story (English) (as Author)
- Such Things Are: A Play, in Five Acts (English) (as Author)
- The Surrender of Calais: A Play, in Three Acts (English) (as Commentator)
- The Widow's Vow: A Farce, in Two Acts (English) (as Author)
Inclán, Ramón del Valle
See: Valle-Inclán, Ramón del, 1866-1936
See: Trevelyan, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1807-1886
- Severin Ingemann, Bernhard
- da.wikipedia
- en.wikipedia
- The Childhood of King Erik Menved: An Historical Romance (English) (as Author)
- Eerik Menvedin lapsuus: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- King Eric and the Outlaws, Vol. 1
or, the Throne, the Church, and the People in the Thirteenth Century. (English) (as Author)
- King Eric and the Outlaws, Vol. 2
or, the Throne, the Church, and the People in the Thirteenth Century. (English) (as Author)
- King Eric and the Outlaws, Vol. 3
or, the Throne, the Church, and the People in the Thirteenth Century. (English) (as Author)
- Kuningas Eerik ja lainsuojattomat: Historiallinen romaani. Edellinen osa (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Lock and Key Library: The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations: North Europe — Russian — Swedish — Danish — Hungarian (English) (as Contributor)
- Tanskan prinssi Otto (Finnish) (as Author)
- Waldemar Seier: Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
Ingenheim, Luciano, conte di
See: Zùccoli, Luciano, 1868-1929
- en.wikipedia
- The Animal World, A Book of Natural History
Young Folks' Treasury (Volume V) (English) (as Editor)
- Birds in Legend, Fable and Folklore (English) (as Author)
- The Book of the Ocean (English) (as Author)
- The Crest of the Continent: A Summer's Ramble in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond (English) (as Author)
- Golden Alaska: A Complete Account to Date of the Yukon Valley (English) (as Author)
- The Ice Queen (English) (as Author)
- The Mentor: American Naturalists, Vol. 7, Num. 9, Serial No. 181, June 15, 1919 (English) (as Author)
- The Silver Caves: A Mining Story (English) (as Author)
- Wonder Stories of Travel (English) (as Author)
- Zoölogy: The Science of Animal Life
Popular Science Library, Volume XII (of 16), P. F. Collier & Son Company, 1922 (English) (as Author)
- en.wikipedia
- About The Holy Bible: A Lecture (English) (as Author)
- The Christian Religion: An Enquiry (English) (as Author)
- The Ghosts, and Other Lectures (English) (as Author)
- The Gods
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author)
- Hell: Warm Words on the Cheerful and Comforting Doctrine of Eternal Damnation (English) (as Author)
- Heretics And Heresies
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author)
- Humboldt
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Robert G. Ingersoll (English) (as Author)
- Individuality
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author)
- Ingersollia
Gems of Thought from the Lectures, Speeches, and Conversations of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, Representative of His Opinions and Beliefs (English) (as Author)
- Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll - Latest (English) (as Author)
- Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll, Volume I
Including His Answers to the Clergy, His Oration at His Brother's Grave, Etc., Etc. (English) (as Author)
- Men, Women, and Gods; and Other Lectures (English) (as Commentator)
- Mistakes of Moses (English) (as Author)
- An Oration on the Life and Services of Thomas Paine (English) (as Author)
- Shakespeare: A Lecture (English) (as Author)
- Thomas Paine
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' (English) (as Author)
- Trial of C. B. Reynolds For Blasphemy, at Morristown, N. J., May 1887: Defence (English) (as Author)
- Walt Whitman: An Address (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Complete Contents
Dresden Edition—Twelve Volumes (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 01 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 02 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 03 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 04 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Lectures (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 05 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Discussions (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 06 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Discussions (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 07 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Discussions (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 08 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Interviews (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 09 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Political (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 10 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Legal (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 11 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Miscellany (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 12 (of 12)
Dresden Edition—Miscellany (English) (as Author)
- The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume VIII.
Interviews (English) (as Author)
Ingham, Frederic
See: Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909
Inglis, Frances Erskine
See: Calderón de la Barca, Madame (Frances Erskine Inglis), 1804?-1882
Inglis, John
See: Clifford, W. K., Mrs., 1846-1929
Ingman, Santeri
See: Ivalo, Santeri, 1866-1937
- en.wikipedia
- More titles under Lounsberry, Lionel
- Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure, Vol. I, No. 1.
Adventures of Buffalo Bill from Boyhood to Manhood (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill Among the Sioux; Or, The Fight in the Rapids (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill Entrapped; or, A Close Call (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill, Peacemaker; Or, On a Troublesome Trail (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Best Bet; Or, A Sure Thing Well Won (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Big Surprise; Or, The Biggest Stampede on Record (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Bold Play; Or, The Tiger of the Hills (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Boy Bugler; Or, The Last of the Indian Ring (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Girl Pard; Or, Dauntless Dell's Daring (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Pursuit; Or, The Heavy Hand of Justice (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Ruse; Or, Won by Sheer Nerve (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Spy Trailer; Or, The Stranger in Camp (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Still Hunt; Or, The Robber of the Range (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill's Weird Warning; Or, Dauntless Dell's Rival (English) (as Author)
- Buffalo Bill, the Border King; Or, Redskin and Cowboy (English) (as Author)
- Seventy Years on the Frontier (English) (as Editor)
- Wizard Will, the Wonder Worker (English) (as Author)
Ingram, Arthur F. Winnington (Arthur Foley Winnington)
See: Winnington Ingram, Arthur F. (Arthur Foley), 1858-1946
See: Gray, Arthur, 1852-1940
Inhabitant, An Old
See: An Old Inhabitant
Innes, Luna May
See: Ennis, Luna May
Institute of Arable Crops Research (Great Britain). Rothamsted Experimental Station
See: Rothamsted Experimental Station
Institute of Home Economics (U.S.). Human Nutrition Research Division
See: United States. Agricultural Research Service. Human Nutrition Research Division
Institut international de bibliographie
See: International Institute of Bibliography
- Escuelas Internacionales de la América Latina
- ICS (International Correspondence Schools)
- Intext Inc. International Correspondence Schools
- en.wikipedia
- Hoisting Appliances (English)
Internationale Gemeinschaft Baha'ie
See: Bahá'í International Community
Intext Inc. International Correspondence Schools
See: International Correspondence Schools
See: Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876
See: Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 1862-1931
Iones, Inigo
See: Jones, Inigo, 1573-1652
Ionson, Ben
See: Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637
See: Jordanes, active 6th century
Iorden, Edward
See: Jorden, Edward, 1569-1632
Iota (Mrs. Mannington Caffyn)
See: Caffyn, Mannington, Mrs., -1926
Iowa Telephone Company
See: Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
See: Yang, Erzeng, active 17th century
Ippocrate (Physician)
See: Hippocrates, 460? BC-370? BC
Ippolito, di Roma, Antipope
See: Hippolytus, Antipope, 170?-236?
Irabi, Ahmad
See: Urabi, Ahmad, 1841?-1911
Iradier, Sebastián
See: Yradier, Sebastián, 1809-1865
Ireland, Michael
See: Figgis, Darrell, 1882-1925
See: Prime, Samuel Irenæus, 1812-1885
See: Gibson, George Herbert, 1846-1921
Iron Gray
See: Thomas, Abel C. (Abel Charles), 1807-1880
Iron, Ralph
See: Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920
Ironside, Nestor
See: Croxall, Samuel, -1752
- Crayon, Geoffrey
- en.wikipedia
- Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey (English) (as Author)
- The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West (English) (as Author)
- The Alhambra (English) (as Author)
- The Alhambra (English) (as Author)
- Alhambra (Finnish) (as Author)
- Astoria; Or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains (English) (as Author)
- Bracebridge Hall (English) (as Author)
- Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists (English) (as Author)
- Christmas Day (English) (as Author)
- The Christmas dinner, from "The sketch book" (English) (as Author)
- Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida (English) (as Author)
- The Crayon Papers (English) (as Author)
- Crónica de la conquista de Granada (1 de 2) (Spanish) (as Author)
- Crónica de la conquista de Granada (2 de 2) (Spanish) (as Author)
- Cuentos Clásicos del Norte, Segunda Serie (Spanish) (as Author)
- Cuentos de la Alhambra (Spanish) (as Author)
- The Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1 (English) (as Contributor)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Washington Irving (English) (as Author)
- Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete (English) (as Author)
- La Legendo de Dorm-Valeto (Esperanto) (as Author)
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (English) (as Author)
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (English) (as Author)
- The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Volume II) (English) (as Author)
- Life of George Washington — Volume 01 (English) (as Author)
- Little Britain (English) (as Author)
- The Lock and Key Library: The most interesting stories of all nations: American (English) (as Contributor)
- Old Christmas (English) (as Author)
- Old Christmas (English) (as Author)
- Old Christmas: from the Sketch Book of Washington Irving (English) (as Author)
- Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography (English) (as Author)
- The Oxford Book of American Essays (English) (as Contributor)
- Pennsylvania Dutch Rip Van Winkle: A romantic drama in two acts (English) (as Author)
- Pennsylvania Dutch Rip Van Winkle: A romantic drama in two acts (German) (as Author)
- Pokanoket'in Filip (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rip Van Winkle (English) (as Author)
- Rip Van Winkle (English) (as Author)
- The Short-story (English) (as Contributor)
- The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon (English) (as Author)
- Spanish Papers (English) (as Author)
- The Student's Life of Washington; Condensed from the Larger Work of Washington Irving
For Young Persons and for the Use of Schools (English) (as Author)
- Tales of a Traveller (English) (as Author)
- Tri Noveloj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Wolfert's Roost, and Miscellanies (English) (as Author)
Irvin, Violeta
See: Irwin, Violet, 1881-
Irwin Brown, J. (John)
See: Brown, J. Irwin (John Irwin), 1858-1937
Irwin, H. J. (Henry Thomas Johnson)
See: Irwin, H. T. (Henry Thomas Johnson), -1978
Irwin, Inez Haynes
See: Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 1873-1970
Irwin, Muriel Stuart
See: Stuart, Muriel, 1889-1967
Irwin, William Henry
See: Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835
Isaacs, Isaac
See: Scott, Temple, 1864-1939
Isaacs, Judd
See: Potter, I. J.
Isabelle Sherrick, Fannie
See: Sherrick, Fannie Isabelle
See: Illinois State Geological Survey
Islander, Ilmari
See: Jäämaa, Ilmari, 1888-1934
Isle-Adam, Auguste Villiers de L', comte de
See: Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Auguste, comte de, 1838-1889
See: Bettòli, Parmenio, 1835-1907
Iuvenalis, Decimus Junius
See: Juvenal
Ivers & Co.
See: M.J. Ivers & Co.
Ives, William
See: Gaylord, Glance, 1847-1868
Iyer, A. Rama
See: Rama Iyer, A.