Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926

Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877


See: Origen, 185?-254?

Africanus, Sextus Julius, 180?-250?

Akiander, Matthias, 1802-1871

Alain, 1868-1951

Alger, William Rounseville, 1822-1905

Allies, Mary H. (Mary Helen), 1852-1927

Allies, T. W. (Thomas William), 1813-1903

Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397

Anderson, George Wood, 1873-

Andrews, William, 1848-1908

Anger, F.


Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888

A Square

See: Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926

Athanasius, of the West

See: Hilary, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers, -367?

Atmore, Charles, 1759?-1826

Aubigné, J. H. Merle d' (Jean Henri Merle)

See: Merle d'Aubigné, J. H. (Jean Henri), 1794-1872

Augustine, Saint

See: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430

Aurelio Ambrogio, Saint, Bishop of Milan

See: Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397

Ayer, Joseph Cullen, 1866-1944

Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, 1830-1907

Bangs, Nathan, 1778-1862

Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924

Beaven, James, 1801-1875

Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735

Beecher, Catharine Esther, 1800-1878

Begbie, Harold, 1871-1929

Belknap, Helen Olive, 1891-1986

Bell, Henry, Captain

Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1091?-1153

Bertrand, Louis, 1866-1941

Beveridge, Henry, 1837-1929

Bidwell, Edward John, 1866-1941

Black, Constance Clara

See: Garnett, Constance, 1861-1946

Blunt, John Henry, 1823-1884

Blunt, John J. (John James), 1794-1855

Bois, Philippe Goibaud du, sieur

See: Du Bois, Philippe Goibaud, sieur, 1626-1694

Boreham, Frank, 1871-1959

Bracht, Tieleman Janszoon van

See: Braght, Thieleman J. van (Thieleman Janszoon), 1625-1664

Braght, Thieleman J. van (Thieleman Janszoon), 1625-1664

Brent, Charles Henry, 1862-1929

Briand, Aristide, 1862-1932

Brittain, Alfred

Brodhead, J. Napier (Jane Napier)

Brown, Anna Robertson

See: Lindsay, Anna Robertson Brown, 1864-1948

Browne, G. F. (George Forrest), 1833-1930

Brown, Thomas, redivivus

See: Cornwallis, Caroline Frances, 1786-1858

Bryant, James Henry

Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925

Bunyan, John, 1628-1688

Burgon, John William, 1813-1888

Bury, J. B. (John Bagnell), 1861-1927

Butler, John, Marquis of Ormonde

See: Ormonde, John Butler, Marquis of, 1808-1854

Cairns, W. H., -1872

Canuto, J. S.

Cappadelta, Luigi

See: Dessoulavy, C. L. (Charles Louis)

Carroll, Mitchell, 1870-1925

Cates, William L. R. (William Leist Readwin), 1821-1895

Chandler, Samuel, 1693-1766

Chaplin, Jeremiah, 1813-1886

Chartier, Émile

See: Alain, 1868-1951

Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936

Christie, James, 1835-1913

Chrysostom, John, Saint

See: John Chrysostom, Saint, -407

Church, R. W. (Richard William), 1815-1890

Clairvaux, Bernard of, Saint

See: Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1091?-1153

Clement, Clara Erskine

See: Waters, Clara Erskine Clement, 1834-1916

Clement, of Alexandria, Saint, 150?-215?

Cobbe, Frances Power, 1822-1904

Cody, John Henry, 1868-

Coffin, Henry Sloane, 1877-1954

Cohausz, Otto, 1872-1938

Collison, Harry

Cooper, William Barrett, 1857-

Cornwallis, Caroline Frances, 1786-1858

Cramer, J. A. (Jan Anthony), 1864-1952

Crayon, Christopher

See: Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing), 1820-1898


See: Alain, 1868-1951

Crombie, Frederick, 1827-1889

Cunningham, Francis, 1785-1863

Curriknave, Cutbert

See: Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601

Cutts, Edward Lewes, 1824-1901

D'Aubigné, J. H. Merle (Jean Henri Merle)

See: Merle d'Aubigné, J. H. (Jean Henri), 1794-1872

Dau, W. H. T. (William Herman Theodore), 1864-1944

Delano, Aline, 1845-

Denis, of Alexandria, Saint

See: Dionysius, of Alexandria, Saint, -265

Dessoulavy, C. L. (Charles Louis)

Dionysius, of Alexandria, Saint, -265

Doane, George Washington, 1799-1859

Dods, Marcus, 1834-1909

Doull, Alexander John, 1870-1937

Drummond, Henry, 1851-1897

Du Bois, Philippe Goibaud, sieur, 1626-1694

Ellinwood, Frank F. (Frank Field), 1826-1908

Ellis, James J. (James Joseph)

Endlich, Emma A.

Faguet, Émile, 1847-1916

Fairbairn, A. M. (Andrew Martin), 1838-1912

Feltoe, Charles Lett

Finley, John H. (John Huston), 1863-1940

Fleming, David Hay, 1849-1931

Flick, Alexander Clarence, 1869-1942

Forbes, F. A. (Frances Alice), 1869-1936

Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969

Foxe, John, 1516-1587

Fox, Paul, 1874-1961

G. A. M. (Georgina Adelaide Müller)

Garnett, Constance, 1861-1946

Gasquet, Francis Aidan, 1846-1929

Gerretsen, J. H. (Jan Hendrik), 1865-1933

Gheel-Gildemeester, Frank van

Giles, J. A. (John Allen), 1808-1884

Glover, T. R. (Terrot Reaveley), 1869-1943

Goibaut du Bois, Philippe

See: Du Bois, Philippe Goibaud, sieur, 1626-1694

Goodwin, T. A. (Thomas Aiken), 1818-1906

Gordon, S. D. (Samuel Dickey), 1859-1936

Gould, Sabine Baring

See: Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924

Graf, Arturo, 1848-1913

Graham, Isabella, 1742-1814

Greene, M. Louise (Maria Louise)

Grenfell, Georgina Adelaide

See: G. A. M. (Georgina Adelaide Müller)

Grisar, Hartmann, 1845-1932

Guizot, François, 1787-1874

Guthrie, Thomas, 1803-1873

Haines, Charles Reginald

Haldeman, Isaac Massey, 1845-1933

Hatch, Edwin, 1835-1889

Hay Fleming, David

See: Fleming, David Hay, 1849-1931

Hayward, John, 1781-1869

Heer, Betsy de

Hengel, Wessel Albertus van, 1779-1871

Henri IV, King of France

See: Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610

Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610

Herzberger, F. W. (Frederik William), 1859-1930

Hilary, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers, -367?

Hippolytus, Antipope, 170?-236?

Hoare, Edward, 1812-1894

Hood, Edwin Paxton, 1820-1885

Hood, Paxton

See: Hood, Edwin Paxton, 1820-1885

Hottinger, Johann Jakob, 1783-1860

Huch, Ricarda, 1864-1947

Huch, Ricarda Octavia

See: Huch, Ricarda, 1864-1947

Hunt, William, 1842-1931

Hutton, William Holden, 1860-1930

Ippolito, di Roma, Antipope

See: Hippolytus, Antipope, 170?-236?

Jacks, L. P. (Lawrence Pearsall), 1860-1955

Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 1844-1932

James, Croake

See: Paterson, James, 1823-1894

Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple, 1856-1929

John Chrysostom, Saint, -407

John of Damascus, Saint, 676?-749

Julius Africanus

See: Africanus, Sextus Julius, 180?-250?

Just, Gustav A., 1847-1924

Keister, Lawrence

Kent, Charles Foster, 1867-1925

Killen, W. D. (William Dool), 1806-1902

King, Basil, 1859-1928

King, Henry Churchill, 1858-1934

King, John R. (John Richard), 1835-1907

Knox, John, 1514?-1572

Koppenhaver, Carl E.

Köstlin, Julius, 1826-1902

Krasinski, Valerian, Count, 1780?-1855

Krohn, Aune, 1881-1967

Krotel, Gottlob Frederick, 1826-1907

Kurtz, J. H. (Johann Heinrich), 1809-1890

Lake, Kirsopp, 1872-1946

Lamond, E. M.

Langenskjöld, Margareta, 1889-

Lawlor, Hugh Jackson, 1860-1938

Ledderhose, Karl Friedrich, 1806-1890

Legge, Francis

Lenker, John Nicholas, 1858-1929

Lennox, Cuthbert

Lewis, Abram Herbert, 1836-1908

Lillie, Arthur, 1831-1911

Lilly, John

See: Lyly, John, 1554?-1606

Lindsay, Anna Robertson Brown, 1864-1948

Lindsay, Thomas M. (Thomas Martin), 1843-1914

Link, Henry C. (Henry Charles), 1889-1952

Little, Henry M.

Ludlow, James M. (James Meeker), 1841-1932

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546

Lyly, John, 1554?-1606

Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart, 1870-1950

MacDonald, George, 1824-1905

Mackintosh, Charles Henry, 1820-1896

Macleod, Norman, 1812-1872

Macpherson, John, 1847-1902

Mann, Gary


See: Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601

Marquis of Ormonde

See: Ormonde, John Butler, Marquis of, 1808-1854

Martineau, James, 1805-1900

Medley, D. J. (Dudley Julius), 1861-1953

Merle d'Aubigné, J. H. (Jean Henri), 1794-1872

Merriam, George Spring, 1843-1914

Meurman, A. (Agathon), 1826-1909

Michelet, Jules, 1798-1874

Migne, J.-P. (Jacques-Paul), 1800-1875

Mitchell, Alexander F. (Alexander Ferrier), 1822-1899

Molenaar, P. J.

Moore, Edward Caldwell, 1857-1943

Moreau, Louis Ignace, 1807-1881

More, Paul Elmer, 1864-1937

Morley, Henry, 1822-1894

Morris, John G. (John Gottlieb), 1803-1895

Müller, F. Max (Friedrich Max), 1823-1900

Müller, Georgina Adelaide

See: G. A. M. (Georgina Adelaide Müller)

Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601

Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890

Nietschmann, H. (Hermann)

See: Stein, Armin, 1840-1929

Nolan, Laurence J.

Nostradamus, Merlin

See: Cobbe, Frances Power, 1822-1904

Offor, George, 1787-1864

Oregenes Adamantius

See: Origen, 185?-254?

Origen, 185?-254?

Ormonde, John Butler, Marquis of, 1808-1854


See: Origen, 185?-254?

O'Sullivan, Vincent, 1868-1940

Owen, Derwyn Trevor, 1876-1947

Paterson, James, 1823-1894

Paterson-Smyth, J. (John)

See: Smyth, J. Paterson (John Paterson), 1852-1932

Patrick, Saint, 373?-463?


See: Toland, John, 1670-1722

Peltolainen, K.

Percival, G. H.

Petheram, John, 1809-1858

Porter, Thomas C. (Thomas Conrad), 1822-1901

Posidio, Saint

See: Possidius, Saint, active 370-437

Possidius, Saint, active 370-437

Pusey, E. B. (Edward Bouverie), 1800-1882

Redivivus, Thomas Brown

See: Cornwallis, Caroline Frances, 1786-1858

Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)

Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892

Reu, Johann Michael, 1869-1943

Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing), 1820-1898

Roberts, B. H. (Brigham Henry), 1857-1933

Robertson, James Craigie, 1813-1882

Robertson, J. M. (John Mackinnon), 1856-1933

Roper, John Charles, 1858-1940

Rosendal, Mauno, 1848-1917

Schuller, J. C.

Scott, Archibald, 1837-1909

Scudder, John, 1793-1855

Seebohm, Frederic, 1833-1912

Seiss, Joseph Augustus, 1823-1904

Sellar, A. M.

Silva, Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da, 1806-1896

Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910

Smith, Huntington, 1857-1926

Smyth, J. Paterson (John Paterson), 1852-1932

Snethlage, Hendrik Anne Constantijn, 1878-

Sohm, Joseph F., 1856-1902

Sommer, Martin Samuel, 1869-1949

Spaeth, Adolph, 1839-1910

Spence-Jones, H. D. M. (Henry Donald Maurice), 1836-1917

Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892

Stein, Armin, 1840-1929

Steiner, Rudolf, 1861-1925

Stenroth, Oswald, 1869-1952

Stephens, W. R. W. (William Richard Wood), 1839-1902

Stoughton, John, 1807-1897

Strong, D. M. (Dawsonne Melanchthon), 1841-1903

Swain, Richard La Rue, 1860-

Tawney, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1880-1962

Taylor, Isaac, 1787-1865

Taylor, Robert Bruce, 1869-

Taylor, Thomas, 1858-1938

Tefft, Lyman Beecher, 1833-

Thoma, Albrecht, 1844-1915

Titus Flavius Clemens, Alexandrinus, Saint

See: Clement, of Alexandria, Saint, 150?-215?

Todd, James Henthorn, 1805-1869

Toland, John, 1670-1722

Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910

Turberville, Arthur Stanley, 1888-1945

Tuthill, Charles A. H.

Van Braght, Thieleman J. (Thieleman Janszoon

See: Braght, Thieleman J. van (Thieleman Janszoon), 1625-1664

Van Gheel-Gildemeester, Frank

See: Gheel-Gildemeester, Frank van

Van Hengel, Wessel Albertus

See: Hengel, Wessel Albertus van, 1779-1871

Vaughan, C. J. (Charles John), 1816-1897

Velimirović, Nikolaj, 1880-1956

Vermeer, A. J. A.

Verpilleux, Emile, 1888-1964

Walsh, James J. (James Joseph), 1865-1942

Waters, Clara Erskine Clement, 1834-1916

Watson, Richard, 1781-1833

Welter, W. L.

Westlake, H. F. (Herbert Francis), 1879-1925

White, H.

Wickliffe, John

See: Wycliffe, John‏, -1384

Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833

Wilson, William, 1828-1875

Wiseman, Nathaniel

See: Ellis, James J. (James Joseph)

Woodson, Carter Godwin, 1875-1950

Wycliffe, John‏, -1384

Wykliffe, Johannes von

See: Wycliffe, John‏, -1384

Велимировић, Николај

See: Velimirović, Nikolaj, 1880-1956

Толстой, Лев Николаевич

See: Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910